Women in Leadership

Active Communication is passionate about building the presence of women in leadership. Over the years, we have partnered with organizations to design, develop and deliver learning solutions that have empowered women in the workforce with the right communication, behavior and performance to step-up and excel in leadership roles. In exploring the right solution for women in leadership, we aim to:

Build the role models for strong executive presence to shift the culture  towards women that ‘Stand Up and Stand Out’

Raise the ‘executive presence’ awareness of the women leaders to understand all it aspects and the impact it has

Grow the sense of network, social learning and political savvy within the women leadership

Enable the women leaders to build their own brand and reflect it through their communication, behaviour and performance. :- we will ensure that men and women are equal – just different.

Area of learning for building women in leadership include…

✓ Assertive communication

✓ Building emotional intelligence for leadership

✓ Building political savvy – Managing up and across

✓ Build a living career

✓ Career by design

✓ Celebrating success

✓ Charisma – Leadership and communication

✓ Dealing effectively with change

✓ Developing your brand

✓ Executive Presence

✓ Getting into the talent pipeline

✓ Leadership Skills

✓ Making successful transition

✓ Leadership communication for women leaders

✓ Life balance

✓ Networking

✓ Making a good first impression

✓ Managing priorities – Getting organized

✓ Presenting with excellence

✓ Persuading & influencing

✓ Spotlight on self-awareness

✓ Speak Up, Speak Out

and more
